Did you know that mouthwash can be used as an ingredient to help wash away any debris or bacteria in your mouth that may be present? Mouthwash is nonabrasive and can add an additional layer of protection at times when your teeth may be too sensitive for traditional tools such as toothbrushes and toothpaste. For an additional helping hand with your oral health care, considering implementing mouthwash products into your life.
As mouthwash remains a tool that can be used to improve your oral health, make sure that you’re always using it effectively, so it can continue to provide for you the necessary treatment to enhance your oral health. If for any reason you are using a cosmetic mouthwash, and it is not providing oral health care, it may be because it’s not intended to. Cosmetic mouthwash is only designed to mask bad breath. If you wish to treat underlying conditions in your mouth such as plaque, gingivitis or cavities, you may need to use a therapeutic mouthwash. Not only can therapeutic mouthwash help minimize the risks associated with several oral health problems, but it can also even slow the speed of tartar and help prevent gingivitis from occurring.
There has never been a better time to receive a professional cleaning in White Plains, New York. You are welcome to schedule an appointment at Jon F. Ackerman, DDS by calling us at (914) 761-2442. Dr. Jon Ackerman looks forward to enhancing your smile with bi-annual cleanings.