To further enhance your smile, always look for ways to improve your teeth and gums and the health of your smile by eliminating risk factors associated with oral accidents and injuries. However, even with the best of care, accidents still do happen from time to time. If you should suffer an oral accident and are in need of emergency care, there are few things you can do to provide the necessary care before professional care can be given.
Objects stuck between teeth:
– Severe oral health risks and oral emergencies can arise with objects stuck between teeth because individuals try to remove them with sharp instruments. Never use pins are sharp instruments to try to pry the object free. Instead, use interdental cleaning tools to try to gently dislodge the object.
Chipped or broken teeth:
– If you ever chip or break any teeth, make sure you rinse out your mouth of any debris that may still linger. Furthermore, apply a piece of gauze to your mouth to help stop the bleeding. If bleeding continues for longer than ten minutes, visit the emergency room.
For additional assistance with dental damage sustained from an oral accident, Dr. Jon Ackerman and our team at Jon F. Ackerman, DDS are here to rebuild your smile. If you would like to set up an appointment to come see us at our dentist office in White Plains, New York, please call us at (914) 761-2442 to speak with a member of our team.