Keeping your oral health in check includes making sure that you are mindful of any signs and symptoms of underlying problems. If for example, you’re suffering from halitosis, which is also known as bad breath, it is important to not only take steps to treat bad breath but also determine if it is an indication of anything else wrong with your smile.
If you have issues with bad breath frequently arising, there are several symptoms that can produce it. Everything from underlying illnesses in your body to poor oral hygiene or your diet can produce it. Once you understand what is causing your bad breath, effective treatments can be used and applied to your oral health care routine.
One of the most important things you can do to help limit the risks associated with bad breath is to always make sure your teeth and gums are free of debris. Because plaque buildup is so influential in the rise of bad breath and other oral health risks, you want to make sure that you’re cleaning your mouth out daily with effective cleaning tools such as brushes and dental floss. As an alternative, try using easier to operate tools such as electric toothbrushes and water flossers. Furthermore, consider implementing nonabrasive cleaning tools after eating, including mouthwash and chewing gum.
No matter which bad breath treatments you select, we can help you as best as possible. If you would like Dr. Jon Ackerman and our team at Jon F. Ackerman, DDS to bring you in for a comprehensive exam to determine which treatment is right for you, please schedule an appointment at our dentist office in White Plains, New York, by calling us at (914) 761-2442.